Cultural mediation workshops

Learn more about puppetry: from conception to manipulation!

At Théâtre de l’Œil, we know how important it is to go deeper in introducing children to puppet theater, while keeping it fun. That’s why we’ve decided to reintroduce the turnkey Secrets de castelet workshop.

This activity is a fun way to learn about the different types of puppets and how they can be manipulated! In the classroom or virtually, children will have the opportunity to observe puppets up close. Throughout the season, depending on the availability of our puppeteer-mediators, the workshop can be offered to schools in your area, in the classroom or even virtually.


Time: 45-60 minutes

Age: 5 years and up

This activity aims to be a playful and participatory way to discover puppetry and the various manipulations possible! In the classroom, children will have the opportunity to observe puppets up close, create mini-scenes using their imagination, and be introduced to puppet manipulation using modeling clay.


The concept:

✦ An experienced puppeteer from Théâtre de l’Œil

✦ Presentation of various types of puppets from the company’s collection

✦ Introduction to puppet manipulation using modeling clay

✦ A privileged exchange with the artist


Contact [email protected], our distribution manager, to learn more!

Workshop about the play Perruche

The Théâtre de l’Oeil is delighted to offer a new workshop to prepare students for attending the play Perruche, an adaptation of the eponymous poetry collection written by Virginie Beauregard D. This workshop is offered either prior to and/or following the performance.

We all recognize the power of writing and its positive impact on our minds. When we go through difficult times, words can be a potent remedy. Building on this idea, children will be encouraged, during this workshop, to explore themes such as the loss of a loved one and the power of imagination. The goal is to encourage them to express their emotions through poetry, thus helping them to better understand and cope with them.


Time: 45-60 minutes

Age: 6 years and up

This workshop serves as preparation for the theatrical experience, an invitation to explore writing through the themes addressed in the play. During this workshop, children will have the opportunity to write a poem inspired by their own experiences on the themes of the play, with the author herself or an actress from the Théâtre de l’Oeil guiding them.



The concept:

✦ Author Virginie Beauregard D or an actor/actress from Théâtre de l’Œil;

✦ Reflective questions on the themes of the play;

✦ An exchange with students on the various themes of the play (loss & imagination);

✦ Writing a short poem;

✦ Reciting the poem in front of the class.


Contact [email protected], our distribution manager, to learn more!