• Summary
  • Trailer
  • Photos
  • Characters
  • Credits


Virginie Beauregard-D.
6 years and up
50 min


Parakeet is the story of Noah, a child with a passion for the tropical world. Noah lives with his cheerful accomplice, a parakeet named Coeur-Coquin, as well as with his mother and father, who argue a lot. One Halloween morning, Coeur-Coquin simply flies away. Noah is shocked by the sudden departure of his friend as he navigates a world that is indifferent to his distress. Sad and angry, he can only think of one thing: find Coeur-Coquin and bring back some colour to his day-to-day life. At the height of his grief, the boy’s room is transformed into an unusual jungle through which he bravely ventures in search of his friend.

During this mystical journey, our hero meets strange, disturbing, and inspiring characters who join him on his quest. This fabulous adventure tells the story of how one can emerge transformed from a painful ordeal.

Playwright Virginie Beauregard D. lends her pen to our new production, Perruche (working title in English: Parakeet. First published as book of poetry by Les éditions de la courte échelle in 2019, this story captured Simon Boudreault’s heart and he worked with the writer to adapt it for a young puppet theatre audience.




Enfant unique passionné par le monde tropical, il est sensible au monde qui l’entoure. Son imagination débordante le guidera vers un univers plutôt inattendu…
Perruche joueuse et sensible, c’est le plus grand complice de Noah. Il partage ses folies et lui tend l’oreille lorsqu’il en a besoin.
La mère et le père
Aveuglés par leurs conflits perpétuels, ils oublient la détresse de leur fils.


Virginie Beauregard-D.
Mise en scène
Simon Boudreault
Scénographie et marionnettes
Ève-Lyne Dallaire
Michel F. Côté
Myriane Lemaire
Original Cast
Camille Deslauriers-Ménard
Carl Veilleux
Catherine Ruel